Allegedly, Hillary Clinton has been caught trying to flee the country. The Globe writes she was attempting to flee to a remote, middle-eastern country called Bahrain. The implication of course being, that since Bahrain does not have an extradition policy with the United States, that she was fleeing prosecution from the reigning Trump administration.
During the election, many accusations leveled against Clinton included some sort of criminal activity. This was no doubt in part caused by her subsequent investigations by first the Behghazi scandal, and later the FBI for mishandling classified information. In fact, the Globe even made a claim weeks after the election that the Clinton family was about to be indited. Even Trump himself liked calling Clinton "Crooked Hillary" on live tv during the presidential debates. Trump even made the comeback remark of the century when he said "Because you'd be in jail." out of turn, when Hillary referred to how she thought it was good that Trump would no secure the presidency.
Now, the source is from an anonymous "D.C. insider." who said that when Clinton tried to leave officials "made it clear to her it would 'be better' if she didn't leave town." One might ask themselves if she really was fleeing from the threat of imprisonment why she would be stopped by vague threats of "It would be better if," but then again questions like this don't come up when considering grabby headlines.
Shortly after the election, many were asking the question of whether or not Clinton would be pardoned by Obama before the Trump administration obtained power. There is certainly precedent for new presidents to pardon the people they succeed. President Ford pardoned Richard Nixon. But with Trump silent on the question, it was left to the media to speculate endlessly...
Going back to Bahrain, funnily enough, Clinton has had dealings with Bahrain in the past. Josh Rogin of the Washington post writes...
"Correspondence about the request was released by the conservative advocacy group Judicial Watch, which is pressing a Freedom of Information Act-related lawsuit against Clinton in response to her use of a private email server. The Kingdom of Bahrain has donated between $50,000 and $100,000 to the foundation, and the Crown Prince has spent about $32 million on an educational program that funds Bahraini students in conjunction with the Clinton Global Initiative."
Depending on who you ask, this is either a natural extension of Obama's blundering policy regarding the Arab Spring, or it's something more sinister. John Hayward at Breitbart writes
"Did Prince Salman get what he wanted from Secretary Clinton? It sure looks that way. “Soon after the correspondence about a meeting, Clinton’s State Department significantly increased arms export authorizations to the country’s autocratic government, even as that nation moved to crush pro-democracy protests,” writes International Business Times.
More specifically, IBT notes that “between 2010 and 2012 the Clinton-led State Department approved $630 million worth of direct commercial arms sales to Salman’s military forces in Bahrain. That was a 187 percent increase from the period 2006 to 2008, and the increase came as Bahrain was violently suppressing uprisings.”
Most disturbingly, Clinton’s State Department approved the sale of over $700,000 worth of “toxicological agents” to a regime accused of using chemical agents like tear gas against its own people."
Of course the United States making foreign policy blunders is not limited to Hillary Clinton, the Obama Administration, or even the Democratic party. But it does make a plausible escape hatch, especially because of Clinton's questionable history with the country. Especially if you're getting paid "Big Bucks" for your "Hot Story."
As a last comment, if you click the above link, and go to the tip section of the GLOBE's website, you'll find that they ask the tipper to not include "fake photos from the Internet!" Funnily enough, the don't mention anything about fakes tips, or fake stories.